Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Leaving on a jet plane

Today was just one of those days. We all have them. Fortunately, I work with a group of super understanding guys who let me take it easy today; thus, I am writing this in front of the TV, pyjamas on, tea in hand, at my home. Not to worry, you'll still get your update.

We have some awesomely exciting things happening soon: first off, our new website is THIS close to being done. Real close, if you didn't catch the reference. Spoiler alert: I've seen it and it's fabulous. It will allow you to do engage with your SBB card in ways that, perhaps, you have never dreamt of. And that's everyone's goal, right? Look for that this weekend or sometime next week! Also, don't hesitate to let us know if you'd like to see specific things (apart from a convenient link to our blog, of course) on it. We're looking to get you up-to-date 411 on the whereabouts of all of our foodie carts. Imagine having all of that information in one place. Woohoo!

Also, a local favorite is taking place this weekend: THE CLAMPDOWN! I'm not just promoting this because it is the brain-child of our very own Charles (or Charlie, as I so affectionately have dubbed him) or because it takes place at the Ravari Room, one of our member businesses. I'm simply promoting it because of its high score on the Awesomeness Richter Scale. Let's be honest...dancing like a fool is ALWAYS fun. So go do that.

Lastly, as mentioned in my previous blog, THE BIG DEAL is starting Monday. Guaranteed awesomeness to ensue. In fact, it's probably gonna blow your mind. Just sayin'.

As for me, I'm going away...I'll tell you where; someplace warm. A place where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. I'm talkin' about a little place called Aspen. Well, not Aspen, but Denver. 

Yes, indeed, I'm following the tracks of the greats who have gone before me: John Denver, Harry, and Lloyd. I'm going to Denver. I realize I'm sacrificing my time at Clampdown, but it seems like a fair trade-off. I'll figuratively and electronically see you upon my return!

Have a fantastic weekend!

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