Monday, November 8, 2010

In a faraway land called the Sandbox...

Just another day in paradise/my internship: frequenting cool, local bars, engaging with innovative Columbus minds, getting sand in my britches...

I'm only half-kidding about the latter part.

Working at the Sandbox with the SBB guys has been awesome, due in part to the aforementioned activities, but mostly thanks to the actual sandbox they have here. What's great about this sandbox is the neighbors' stray cats don't use it as a litter box, unlike the one I remember from my childhood, thus making me want to play for hours. Because that familiar, inanimate object from our adolescence (or early adulthood, depending) shouldn't consume my blog, I'll focus on some other things. And transition.

We watched The Hurt Locker today in my Comparative Military Structure class. Talk about a buzz kill! But I can always count on the bright open space of the Sandbox and the quirky guys I work with to improve my mood, if even only a little. What could possibly make me feel better after The Hurt Locker, you ask? Well, cupcakes usually do but that ship sailed yesterday with Cupcake Combat at the Kroger in German Village. So, I settled on the next best thing:

[cue laser sound effects]


After watching my colleagues spend endless hours negotiating and finding deals and pound gallons of Impero coffee, we are finally ready to launch our local version of significantly discounted coupon program next Monday, November 15. Now, being a firm believer in ridiculously good prices being emailed to me daily, I strongly support the Big Deal. I'm an insider here at the SBB and (SPOILER ALERT) prepare yourself for some awesome deals.

Like, have tissues handy.

Join the trend on Twitter #columbusbigdeal with suggestions, kudos, boos/hisses but definitely make sure you sign up and know...use your coupons.

Tell your friends!

Locally yours,


(ps. I know I may have caused you some nostalgia with all that sandbox talk so, if necessary, give us a call and we'll give you some complimentary time in the sandbox. Yes, there are plastic pales and shovels.)

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